Well, it's about 4:28am and I'm working on the assembly cut, and I just have to say: what an incredible production this is turning out to be. The shots from this weekend are just beautiful, and it's making this editing process even more enjoyable! It's so awesome to see it finally coming all together, and it's hard to believe that production has ended and post-production is now going into full-swing.
I just want to thank Alex for being such a focused, driven, and hard-working director--he's put so much more into this film than was called for, going completely above and beyond, Britainne and Alex for being amazing producers...and doing all that your job entails fabulously, Tyler for keeping everything and everyone all together and organized, Ty, Megan, Bryan, and Erik--our DP, production designer, and sound designers--for bringing this steam-punk world to life through incredible visuals and sounds, and everyone else who has volunteered to be a part of this project. You are all incredible, and I'm determined to do you proud with this edit.
-Anna Mullins (Editor)
Welcome to the official website for the film The Portrait! In this section, we will keep you updated on the film shoots, post-production, and whatever else is going on along the journey to create this film.